Anaerobic separator of suspended solids and nutrients

The project: „Anaerobic separator of suspended solids and nutrients“ under acronyme ANASEP was solved with financial support from the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic under programme for support of applied research and experimental development ALFA in 2012 - 2015. 

Project was focused on developing a model series of devices with increased efficiency of mechanical separation anf anaerobic pre-treatment (optimized anaerobic reactor with FOG removal) with improved ability of removing suspended solids and nutrients (N and P) under anaerobic conditions (optimized separation step). Several new possibilities intensifying tertiary treatment or pre-treatment on the principle of sorption using nanomaterials, catalytic oxidation with the use of nanomaterials and electrochemical methods to remove nutrients and to reduce bacterial contamination were developed. Further task was to design an optimal way of municipal wastewater sanitation.

Consortium consisted of ASIO Ltd., PROJEKTY VODAM s.r.o. and two research organizations – Brno University of Technology and T.G. Masaryk Water Research Institute.

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