A device that is steadily growing in popularity is the
automatic grease trap
It is a mechanical
grease trap
consisting of a plastic or stainless-steel waterproof tank with a system of scum-boards and partitions, supplemented with a system that is capable of automatic or semi-automatic cleaning. It means that sludge can be removed without directly opening the trap. Everything can work simply on the basis of the connection of a suction vehicle to a quick-connection coupling, which is installed on the external façade of the building. Therefore, this system is mainly used in places where the opening of the trap may cause hygienic problems, i.e., in restaurants, fast-food shops, kitchen facilities, and meat and meat product processing plants.
In the turbulent waters of the nineties, a company emerged on the market that was founded as a grass root development.
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13. 6. 2023
It is a robust plastic structure, which is evidenced by the fact that the tank contains a solution of 20% acid at temperatures reaching even the level of 80 0C.
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30. 4. 2023