Looking for leaks in tanks and pools installed below ground level is often a complex problem. Finding the location of a leak where, e.g., 200 litres of water a day escape into the ground is usually at least costly and time-consuming, in the case of a pool embedded in concrete or a self-supporting tank. Exposing the tank from the outside is the most certain, but also most expensive solution. Even draining the tank does not often solve the problem…

Looking for leaks in tanks and pools installed below ground level is often a complex problem. Finding the location of a leak where, e.g., 200 litres of water a day escape into the ground is usually at least costly and time-consuming, in the case of a pool embedded in concrete or a self-supporting tank. Exposing the tank from the outside is the most certain, but also most expensive solution. Even draining the tank does not often solve the problem.

Looking for a leak is even more complicated in the case of a leak in a vertical joint. Therefore, the AS-DTK NET leak-finding device is a useful aid, saving not only the time expended in looking for the leak, but especially the costs of the used water or compensation of damage to customers, which may in particular cases amount to tens, and in some cases hundreds, of thousands of crowns.


  • Reliable, simple equipment (can be operated by anyone)
  • Safe use (low voltage)
  • Quick preparation for a test
  • The tank need not be drained to find a leak
  • Quick determination of the leaky place

Applicable in tanks made of

  • Glass fibre
  • Polyethylene
  • Polypropylene
  • Acrylates


  • Time
  • Costs
  • Supplier’s nerves
  • Customer’s nerves