AS-GEOFLOW Wastewater Irrigation

The AS-GEOFLOW system is designed for underground, capillary suspended drip irrigation of active vegetation areas…

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The AS-GEOFLOW system is designed for underground, capillary suspended drip irrigation of active vegetation areas.

In fact, this is an internal drainage system of pretreated wastewater from highquality biological septic tanks, artificial or natural wastewater treatment plants.


    • Internal drainage system (i.e. no outlet)
    • Suitable even for facilities discontinuous operations
    • Energy efficient solution – utilisation of water and wastewater fertilising properties
    • Environmentally-friendly disposal of wastewater and high cleaning effects of the soil environment
    • Support for the vegetable biomass production
    • Disposal of concentrated and strongly diluted wastewater
    • Internationally well proven system


The system is based on dispersing of normal wastewater from households into the biologically layer of topsoil, where the wastewater is efficiently processed.

Hoses used for drip irrigation are placed 15 to 30 cm below the ground level and their centre to centre distance is 60 cm. This arrangement forms complexes determined by calculations and requirements for the use of irrigated areas. Ideal application is flat grassland away from surface water. In addition, the application should be away from places where underground water is too high.

The system is unsuitable for compact ground types, bedrocks, and steep slopes without antierosion measures.

No soil conservation measures are required in slopes with gradient under 20%; in cases of higher gradients, the slopes must be stabilised by erosion control systems. The maximum possible gradient is 60%.

Description :

The whole AS-GEOFLOW system consists of wastewater pretreatment (existing treatment units are sufficient), a  septic tank (AS-SEPTIC, AS-ANASEP ) or a house wastewater treatment plant (AS-VARIOcomp K) and accumulation tanks (AS-NADRZ) with a sludge pump, a shaft with filters, valves, water meters and a control panel, independent dripping hoses and shafts for aeration valves.

According to the preset daily production of wastewater and the water level in the accumulation tank , the control panel pumps several times per day water into the irrigation system and the whole system is flushed through on a daily basis. Several operating modes can be preset according to seasons of the year and climatic condition fluctuation.

Drip hose types:

Classic 4.5 litre per hour per drip element (1.5 bar), max. length of individual hoses is 50 metres
PC1/2 2 litre per hour per drip element, max. length of individual hoses is 200 metres, suitable to slopes
PC1 4 litre per hour per drip element, max. length of individual hoses is 140 metres, suitable to slopes

Drip hoses :

The drip hoses (i.e. the hoses used for drip irrigation) are placed 15 to 30 cm below the ground level and their centre to centre distance is 60 cm (in most cases). Their installation can be made in direct stretches or in loops (inlet pipes and flush pipes are laid in the same trench).

závlaha odpadní vodou AS-GEOFLOW

Wastewater irrigation – necessary conditions for the protection of water sources:

The irrigation system must:
- not jeopardize the quality of surface and underground water; wastewater must not penetrate into this water,
- be operated within the vegetation period only, and this outside rainfall periods; wastewater must not be applied directly to surface water,
- not be used to snow or ice covers on the land, and
- be operated in accordance with needs of individual crop and grass-covered areas.

For the correct design, the following preparatory works should be made:

- general characteristics of the area of interest for the assumed irrigation layout,
- hydropedological, hydrogeological and geotechnical engineering surveys,
- a survey evaluating aspects of soil mechanics as regards materials in the places of assumed irrigation equipment,
- determination of quality and composition of wastewater, and as the case may be, identification of any water inflow from the neighbourhood,
- a detailed survey of hydrological conditions within the area of interest,
- a survey and identification of all types of protection zones,
- determination of basic meteorological and climatic conditions and their evaluation,
- an economic and social survey of the catchment area, identification of aspects affecting property rights affected by the wastewater irrigation development,
- a phytocenological and zoocenological survey of the land, aquatic and wetland habitats, and
- identification of all other interests concerning the assumed area of interest, plotting of lines for buried services, etc.

Wastewater Irrigation _ AS-GEOFLOW