Did you know?
Water damage is the most common type of property damage. One burst pipe, hose leak, or failed water heater can result in thousands of € in repair costs.
Did you also know that?
There is a way to prevent this damage by installing a device that detects unusual behavior and performs the necessary steps to protect your property? By continuous monitoring and remote communication, AS-WaterOwl knows exactly when to close the main water supply to prevent water damage ranging from minor leaks to major outbursts.
This device has already been installed in several prominent buildings such as the National Theatre in Prague and Brno University of Technogy laboratories in order to protect valuable interior, irreplaceable data/technology and prevent the devaluation of wooden constructions.
Let’s look at the facts*
*Source of information: Insurance industry research, 2013 Water Damage defense
Protect yourself and save money!
Protect your property from water damage! AS-WaterOwl will learn your water usage habits and provide you with recom- mendations on how to conserve it.
AS-WaterOwl monitors your water usage and lets you control it. When there is an anomaly, AS-WaterOwl will send you an alert and proceed with automatic shut off, or allow you to close it remotely.
AS-WaterOwl recognizes a purposed usage from an unwanted one ranging from water leakage from faucets and running toilets to major pipe and hose bursts.
We have saved our clients so far:
2 542 520 803 LITERS OF WATER
13 946 338 COST IN EURO
Get control over your water consumption. Conserve water, save money and prevent damages by monitoring usage in real time.